You are welcome to visit association “Rīgas Kuģis/Riga Ship” workshop in festival “Komēta” on Sunday, 28th July 2019 at 15:00-22:00!
There will be an opportunity to paint the flags of the sea alphabet for each bastion of the Daugavgrīva fortress – Rīta zvaigzne/Morning Star, Sietiņš/Pleiades, Dienvidpols/South Pole, Greizie rati/Ursa Major, Jūras zvaigzne/Sea Star, Ziemeļpols/North Pole.
There will be an opportunity to exercise in own word compilation from flags of the sea alphabet, as well as to practice the most widely used seafarers’ knots and assemble historical Riga ship constructor.
The Daugavgrīva Fortress can be reached by bus No. 3, 30, 36, 56 and minibus 246, bus stop “Daugavgrīvas cietoksnis”.